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Complimentary Therapies

I offer the following complimentary therapies: Reiki, Metamorphic Technique, Spiritual Healing, Space Clearing and Bespoke Paintings infused and aligned to your own energy.  These therapies may help to relieve stress, anxiety and other challenges.  I have over 30 years of experience in Complimentary therapy. If you would like to enhance your well-being and achieve the change you desire feel free to contact me without obligation to find out more.


You can design and live the life you dream of, we are creating all the time with our thoughts and beliefs, and when you become the master of your mind instead of being the servant you will start to see positive changes occurring.

The Secret is "You must be open to receiving it".

Metamorphic Technique

The metamorphic technique is a wonderful but simply tool we can use to assist with self healing and transformation between self and healing. The technique can enable us to move from feelings of limitation towards accessing more of our potential.  The metamorphic technique can also help with behavioural challenges.

Space Clearing - Online Service

If you feel that you are suffering heaviness, either in your space, house or within your person you may find Space Clearing can help you. Using a photograph of your environment (home or work) which needs clearing, I will tune into the energy of the space to clear any energy blockage.

Mentoring - Per Hour

Tips and ideas for moving towards your goals and desires in life drawing on my vast life experience and qualifications from complimentary therapy, hypnotherapy to managerial positions in fashion, sales and residential letting using all of the tools I have gathered along the way.

Bespoke Energy Infused Artwork

Artwork painted and infused with Qi energy to align with and positively influence any challenges you may be facing. Previous feedback has indicated that the artwork can also have a positive impact on others using the same space. Qi energy artwork, paintings or pastels are unframed and can be posted or if preferred sent as a download. 

Spiritual Healing - 40 Minute Session - Online or Face to Face

Spiritual healing is an energy healing process. I work with spirit healers to identify problem areas in the body and to clear any issues for the highest good of the client at the time. No disrobing required.  â€‹I also channel spirit and interpret spirit oracle cards.


For more information on Hynotherapy click here

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